Construction and infrastructure industry are ever expanding in today’s market and it offers latest and modern amenities for which it requires technical expertise. Our team specializes in providing technological solutions in various areas of construction and infrastructure. At Analyzer, we offer advanced technical services to maintain an edge in the competitive markets. A glimpse of the problems tackled by Analyzer are given below,

FEA in Construction & Infrastructure Industry

  1. FEA of Shelters: Structural analyses of shelters for various static & dynamic load conditions, which includes road load, wind load, helicopter lifting, three point support, modal, vibrational, train impact, shock input analysis.
  2. FEA of Mast: Mast is a type of tower structure. Structural analysis of mast is done for buckling and wind loads along with various static and dynamic loading conditions.
  3. FEA of Piping System: Surge analysis for high pressure piping systems.
  4. FEA of Infrastructures: Structural simulation of various building structures like reactor buildings, residential/commercial buildings, dams, stadiums, tunnels and malls for structural integrity under extreme conditions of environment. Also it should be sustainable to some amount of seismic loadings which needs vibration analysis of these structures.
  5. Wind Load analysis of Sky-Scrapers.
  6. Seismic Qualifications of Infrastructures.


CFD in Construction & Infrastructure Industry

  1. CFD of Shelters: Thermal and flow analysis of Shelters/Canopy for observing the flow pattern, short circuiting/recirculation of hot air with cold air, temperature raise inside the shelter and provision for maintaining temperature inside shelter within prescribed limit for proper functioning of all critical components.
  2. CFD of High Rise Buildings: Determining the performance of ODU which are usually placed within the utility balcony of high rise buildings for HVAC purpose. Identifying the effect of buoyancy (stack effect) or outside wind flow (multidirectional as per season) on overall performance of ODU. Modifications within utility balcony for reducing the temperature at ODU-Inlet.
  3. CFD of Wind Driven Rain (WDR): Simulation of buildings is done for observing the effect of rain in presence of wind. Evaluation of catch ratio for determining the amount of rainfall which will hit the building facade. Effective suggestions or modification within overhang roof for reducing the catch ratio.
  4. CFD of Car Park Basements: Flow and species simulation of car park in Ventilation mode for optimizing the Jet fan locations and maintaining the CO level in basement within permissible limit as specified by building codes. Also Flow, thermal and species simulation of car park in Fire mode for determining the CO2 evacuation time & visibility variation over fire period as specified by building codes. Effective design of building supply, exhaust & cutouts in earlier stages of building basement design process. Suggesting the preventive measures for reducing the CO within basement & improving smoke evacuation time.
  5. CFD of Airports: Flow and thermal simulation of airport HVAC for evaluating the human comfort inside the airport and checking the various flow & thermal parameter as per ASHRAE guidelines. Proper consideration of all heat loads acting on HVAC system and identifying the hot spots, dead regions, short circuiting regions & leakages out of Airport. Effective adjustment within AHU flow rates and temperature for maintaining the thermal comfort within Airport critical regions.
  6. CFD of Data Centers: Flow & thermal simulation of Data Centers with large number of servers and CRAC’s, which continuously generates heat during its operation. Identifying the short circuiting of hot air from server-rack outlet to server-rack inlets. Modifying the data center supply-exhaust design & counter measures for reducing the flow short circuiting within Data center.
  7. CFD of Shopping Malls/ Buildings: Fire simulation of shopping malls/ buildings for evaluating the smoke (CO2) spread & smoke evacuate time out of Mall/Building via atrium.
  8. CFD of Pump-Sumps with Cooling Towers: Single & multiphase simulation of Pump-Sumps for observing the flow pattern nearby bell-mouth and checking for any possibility of vortex formation near bell-mouth, vortex/air core entrance within the bell-mouth, swirl formation within the pump suction piping, checking the effect of raking & traveling screens on flow pattern within sump, swirl angle evaluation at pump suction location, etc. Based on all outputs from CFD simulation, providing appropriate suggestions in earlier stage of sump design. Designing of sump as per Hydraulic Institute Standards. Suggesting appropriate modifications within existing sump for improving the flow quality within sump and flow pattern nearby bell-mouth by meeting the guidelines set in Hydraulic Institute Standards.